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Why veganism is easier than you think and how to get started

f you’re opposed to animal cruelty, you’re already 90 per cent vegan. Your diet is just the last 10 per cent.

OLIVIA PETTER: ‘Veganism doesn’t always get the best PR… Debunking the myth that today’s vegans are all lithe-limbed bloggers with perfect skin and flowery aesthetics are brothers Matt and Phil Letten… The LA-based duo stopped eating animal products in their early 20s – they are both now in their early 30s – after uncovering some uncomfortable truths about the ethics involved in meat and dairy production…

While there are endless reasons why someone would want to go vegan, for the Letten brothers, the primary motivation was animal welfare… “If you’re opposed to animal cruelty, you’re already 90 per cent vegan. Your diet is just the last 10 per cent”, they explained… “It’s not about perfection,” they said. “There is no way to be 100 per cent vegan in today’s world. “If you focus on being 100 per cent vegan, you’ll inevitably get bogged down in the minutiae. “Allow yourself to make mistakes. Failure is part of the process”.’ SOURCE…


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